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Chandra Puja

MRP ₹ 7500 ₹ 5000 33% OFF

The planet Moon is one of the most important and powerful planets in any Horoscope. Moon is considered as a planet although in fact, Moon is a satellite of planet Earth and it revolves around Earth completing one revolution in around 27 days. Astrologically, it is honoured as Queen in the planets (Sun is considered as King). The planet Moon controls our Emotions, Will Power, Wealth, Health as well as all our thoughts. A person having a strong Moon (Moon in its own Sign - Cancer, Moon in its exaltation sign Taurus or Moon being aspected by naturally benefic planets like Jupiter) is strong in context to his Will Power and Decisions, is always a Positive thinker and never falls prey to negative states of mind like Depression, Nervousness, Anxiety etc. A person with a weak Moon can suffer from various diseases of chest, lung infections, tuberculosis, blood related problems, mental problems as well as depression and diseases related to digestive system like diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

Furthermore, a person having an afflicted Moon (Moon in enemy sign like Capricorn, Aquarius, Moon in its Debilitation sign Scorpion, Moon with malefic graha like Saturn or Rahu) in his horoscope is always prone to anchor Negative thoughts in his Mind, he is unable to adapt even with his close friends and family members and is never able to achieve success in his life which is full of miseries due to his own karmas/deeds resulting out of a Weak / Afflicted Moon. Moon is a female planet and it represents our Emotions, Happiness, Wife, Lover, Silver, Pearl, White color, Travels, as well as our Will power. Moon also regulates the white portion of our blood.

  • Reduces the malefic impact of all planetary doshas.
  • Gain peace of mind and remove negative thoughts
  • Improve and build your fame & reputation
  • Overcome health issues
  • Control mood swings which helps to maintain good relationship
  • Enhances positive effect of Moon in your birth chart
  • Gain health, wealth and prosperity in life

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